Tuesday 17 July 2012


WARNING: Loads of photos ahead. Sorry I just couldn't resist

We went to Prague a few months ago and I have been a little lazy updating my blog!
Prague was extremely beautiful and we loved it. I will be doing shorter blogs now as we are travelling lots, so i will try to just update photos with brief descriptions


Graham enjoying a cathedral

First glimpse of Prague- there was a protest going on behind me!

Charles bridge

Graham enjoying Kafka

The BEST second hand shop... maybe ever

I think this is the start of Charles Bridge

St. Wenceslas vineyard- 1836 AD!

Crazy sculptures on the bridge- there is a man inside the cage

Panoramic views

One of the opera houses

Haunting memorial sculptures

Prague is just stunning!

St. Vitus cathedral

Prague castle- young love haha

Yummy???? ugh

Graham firing a crossbow at prague castle

Soldiers armour

I spied this in St. Vitus cathedral... I wonder who this was

The John Lennon wall- not so John Lennon now, just graffiti

At the communist museum- the owner let you put on the jacket and hat then shoved a gun at you!

The death mask of Lenin

Communist mementos

Phones- then and now. This old phone was actually built in NZ

Traditional food- potato noodles and potato pancakes with cheese

Mad sculptures!

I love this, it looks like a breakfast monster with eggs and a sausage

The famous dancing house- and me!

On top of the dancing house- lucky shot with the sun!

Love, Melaina and Graham xoxo

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