Wednesday 25 July 2012


Our long weekend in Istanbul, just photos and small descriptions sorry!

The outside of Dolmabache palace. We were allowed to take photos inside, but it was the most extravagant collection of lounge suites we have ever seen!

Crazy candy man. The candy was soft and wound round onto a stick with loads of colours then dipped in lemon. The results were.... weird!

Graham is confused about the soft candy

The Tombs were some of the royals were buried

The blue mosque

Inside the most incredible underground cistern.

Beautiful! The whole thing was lit up and it was massive

The Romans do things well- and beautifully! Medusa head in the cistern

Turkish candy store!

The inside of the Hagia Sofia


Turkish knick knacks?!?

All wrapped up in the blue mosque

Turkish delight stalls- these normally had mountains of spices to go beside them

Very strong, very small turkish coffee.

Sorry it wasn't a great post, I am trying to get up to speed so that I can update as we go along our big journey.

Melaina and Graham xoxo

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