Wednesday 25 July 2012


Our long weekend in Istanbul, just photos and small descriptions sorry!

The outside of Dolmabache palace. We were allowed to take photos inside, but it was the most extravagant collection of lounge suites we have ever seen!

Crazy candy man. The candy was soft and wound round onto a stick with loads of colours then dipped in lemon. The results were.... weird!

Graham is confused about the soft candy

The Tombs were some of the royals were buried

The blue mosque

Inside the most incredible underground cistern.

Beautiful! The whole thing was lit up and it was massive

The Romans do things well- and beautifully! Medusa head in the cistern

Turkish candy store!

The inside of the Hagia Sofia


Turkish knick knacks?!?

All wrapped up in the blue mosque

Turkish delight stalls- these normally had mountains of spices to go beside them

Very strong, very small turkish coffee.

Sorry it wasn't a great post, I am trying to get up to speed so that I can update as we go along our big journey.

Melaina and Graham xoxo

Tuesday 17 July 2012


WARNING: Loads of photos ahead. Sorry I just couldn't resist

We went to Prague a few months ago and I have been a little lazy updating my blog!
Prague was extremely beautiful and we loved it. I will be doing shorter blogs now as we are travelling lots, so i will try to just update photos with brief descriptions


Graham enjoying a cathedral

First glimpse of Prague- there was a protest going on behind me!

Charles bridge

Graham enjoying Kafka

The BEST second hand shop... maybe ever

I think this is the start of Charles Bridge

St. Wenceslas vineyard- 1836 AD!

Crazy sculptures on the bridge- there is a man inside the cage

Panoramic views

One of the opera houses

Haunting memorial sculptures

Prague is just stunning!

St. Vitus cathedral

Prague castle- young love haha

Yummy???? ugh

Graham firing a crossbow at prague castle

Soldiers armour

I spied this in St. Vitus cathedral... I wonder who this was

The John Lennon wall- not so John Lennon now, just graffiti

At the communist museum- the owner let you put on the jacket and hat then shoved a gun at you!

The death mask of Lenin

Communist mementos

Phones- then and now. This old phone was actually built in NZ

Traditional food- potato noodles and potato pancakes with cheese

Mad sculptures!

I love this, it looks like a breakfast monster with eggs and a sausage

The famous dancing house- and me!

On top of the dancing house- lucky shot with the sun!

Love, Melaina and Graham xoxo