Sunday, 19 February 2012

A yorking good time


Today we went to York, famous for its wall, the grand old Duke and Dick Turpin. As you can see from my exhaustive list, I didn't know a whole lot about York. For Starters, it is a very pretty city, lots of historical buildings and a whole lotta wall. Unfortunately (that word just keeps cropping up in my blog!) I forgot my camera, and had to use my phone. While serviceable, its not very good for proper photos, and it ate through the battery. So a few photos is all we have.

Onward to the photo viewing!

This is one of the rivers Ouse or Foss?

York was founded in 71 AD by the Romans and has a lovely (albeit slightly expensive) museum (because who pays for a museum?) that explores its vibrant history. The vikings then came and took over Eboracum (as it was known) and changed the name to Jorvik- coincidentally there is a viking museum in york called Jorvik...

The Viking museum is again a little pricey (you have to pay for everything in York!) but fairly cool. It is set atop an archaeological site where a vast amount of historical artifacts and information have been found. When you walk in, you walk on the original site that has been covered in glass, so you can see bits and pieces below you. It is a little weird to get used to!

Supersonic photo of the glass floor

After you explore the delights of the viking settlement and all the bits and pieces they have discovered you get onto a little amusement ride. The best way i can describe it, is that you get into a pod that is hung on a cable car system and you get carried around a viking village complete with commentary and state of the art (haha) animatronics.

A carpenter of some sort that moved and talked

Viking village scene

After this we went to the railway museum, which is amazing if you like trains. I don't like trains. In all fairness it was a wonderfully presented museum with heaps of trains of varying vintage and lots of facts about trains and train related things. It just helps if you really like trains.
Then we just wandered around enjoying the pretty city, and taking poor quality photographs.

Churchy goodness

Beautiful entrance to a gorgeous church.

In final, York is a lovely city with a fascinating history that I haven't even touched upon here.

We also walked on the wall.

The end.

Melaina and Graham xoxo

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